An outfit I wore to brunch in the east village this weekend - though these pictures were taken in Chinatown. It's so weird, but I'm not a huge fan of Chinatown - perhaps it's because it is EXACTLY like China. And although China has its perks, the nauseating smell of Chinese supermarkets is enough to turn me away. The food in Chinatown, on the other hand, is absolutely phenomenal.

( H&M Blazer, leg warmers & blouse, F21 leggings and tee, Marc Jacobs Necklace, and Zara Shoes)
The glowing cloudy sunshine made for great photos. I absolutely loved it. And thank god it was a beautiful 48 degrees in New York today. Perfect.
Love these Zara shoes that I scored in Hong Kong last February. Sadly I lost some of the studs, but I still love them. They're super comfy and have done me well.

Thanks to the talented Winnie Jeng for the photos!
Happy Valentine's day everyone! I made chocolate-covered strawberries & coconut oatmeal chocolate chip cookies for my friends and spent the day running all over New York delivering them! Doing nice things for other people just feels so good. But I also treated myself to this yummy 16 handles yogurt.

I took this picture from my IPHONE!! The picture quality is absolutely amazing on the 4 and I'm always impressed by the camera. Sighs. I love my phone.
(16 Handles is THE best frozen yogurt in this city. HANDS DOWN.)
Currently Spinning: Foster the People - Houdini